CfP: Thirty Years Later: Ethnic Conflict in the Former USSR
Deadline 15 April 2018 This year marks the 30th anniversary of the outbreak of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, the first in a series of inter-ethnic and secessionist wars to arise in the final years of the Soviet Union, among others in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria, and Chechnya. Three decades onwards, most of these conflicts remain stubbornly unresolved: the Minsk Group has not been able to achieve a normalisation of...
Transnistria—the Forgotten Holocaust, 1941 to 1944
Transnistria—the Forgotten Holocaust, 1941 to 1944 International Forum 2012 of GESCHICHTSWERKSTATT EUROPA, in Chişinău, Republic of Moldova, and Odessa, Ukraine, 23 to 29 September 2012 Transnistria, the region between rivers Dniester (Nistru) and Bug is still a white spot on the map of the Holocaust. Today mostly part of Ukraine with a small strip belonging to Moldova’s separatist eastern edge, the self-proclaimed ‘Dniester Moldovan...
CFA: International Forum 2012 on “Transnistria—The Forgotten Holocaust, 1941 to 1944”
International Forum 2012 on “Transnistria—The Forgotten Holocaust, 1941 to 1944” Chișinău (Moldova), Odessa (Ukraine) Period: Sep. 23-29, 2012 Deadline for application: Jun. 24, 2012 Description of the Event The International Forum is part of the programme GESCHICHTSWERKSTATT EUROPA initiated by the German Federal Foundation ”Remembrance, Responsibility and Future“ (EVZ). The Forum looks at the conflicting recollections of the...
Transnistria – Un reportage fotografico di Gughi Fassino
Recensione del libro Transnistria – Un reportage fotografico di Gughi Fassino a cura di Alberto Basciani Gughi Fassino, Transnistria – Un reportage fotografico di Gughi Fassino, Scurelle (Tn), Silvy Edizioni, 2010, E. 18,00 L’implosione dell’Unione Sovietica ha lasciato oltre che numerosi nuovi Stati sparsi dal Baltico all’Asia centrale anche una serie di “Stati fantasma” frutto delle convulsioni di alcune delle zone più calde dell’ex...
Gughi Fassino TRANSNISTRIA. Un Reportage fotografico di Gughi Fassino. L’obiettivo di Gughi Fassino, collaboratore delle più importanti testate giornalistiche italiane e internazionali, si posa su un paese ai più sconosciuto, la Transnitria, uno stato in territorio moldavo, situato al confine orientale dell’Europa con l’Ucraina, dichiaratosi autonomo dopo il crollo dell’ Unione Sovietica ma tutt’ora non riconosciuto dalla...