Relief In Time Of Need

Relief In Time Of Need

Michael Beizer Relief In Time Of Need: Russian Jewry And The Joint, 1914-24 World War I’s Eastern Front was located in the midst of the Russian Pale of Settlement, where up to a third of the urban population was Jewish. The war resulted in thousands of civilian deaths and severe damage to the entire region’s economy. Urban populations suffered the worst from artillery shell-ing, requisitions, and outright robbery. In addition, each...

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Elusive Alliance

Elusive Alliance

Jesse Kauffman Elusive Alliance The German Occupation of Poland in World War I As World War I dragged on into 1915, German armies along the Western Front settled into stalemate with entrenched British and French forces. But in the East the picture was quite different. The Kaiser’s army routed the Russians, took possession of Polish territory, and attempted to create a Polish satellite state. Elusive Alliance delves into Germany’s...

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The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv

The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv

Tarik Cyril Amar The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv: A Borderland City between Stalinists, Nazis, and Nationalists The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv, Tarik Cyril Amar reveals the local and transnational forces behind the twentieth-century transformation of one of East Central Europe’s most important multiethnic borderland cities into a Soviet and Ukrainian urban center. Today, Lviv is the modern metropole of the western part of...

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Stereotypes as a kind of war propaganda

Stereotypes as a kind of war propaganda

International conference on the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of WWI Stereotypes as a kind of war propaganda Auditorium Maximum, Comenius University, Šafárikovo námestie 6 Bratislava November 12 9,00 – 9,30 Welcome speeches and introduction Karol Mičieta, Rector, Comenius University, Bratislava Didier Lopinot, Ambassador of France to Slovakia Roberto Martini, Ambassador of Italy to Slovakia Roman Holec, Comenius University and...

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COLLOQUE Guerres Balkaniques, conflit local et engrenage

COLLOQUE Guerres Balkaniques, conflit local et engrenage

Guerres Balkaniques, conflit local et engrenage Bucarest les 1e-2 juin 2012, New Europe College Institutions organisatrices : le New Europe College de Bucarest ; INALCO Paris ; Faculté de Sciences Politiques de l’Université de Bucarest ; Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris Comité d’organisation : Silvia Marton, Catherine Durandin, Anca Oroveanu, Andreea Niță Comité scientifique : Jean-Jacques Becker, Catherine...

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