Motherland in Danger

Motherland in Danger

Karel C. Berkhoff Motherland in Danger. Soviet Propaganda during World War II Much of the story about the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany has yet to be told. In Motherland in Danger, Karel Berkhoff addresses one of the most neglected questions facing historians of the Second World War: how did the Soviet leadership sell the campaign against the Germans to the people on the home front? For Stalin, the obstacles were manifold....

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CfP: Guilt and punishment

CfP: Guilt and punishment

Guilt and punishment. Societies towards settlement of the crimes committed by totalitarian regimes in the years 1939-1956 Warsaw, Poland October 2-3, 2014 Deadline for submitting abstracts: August 31, 2013 The Institute of National Remembrance’s Public Education Office and Branch Public Education Office in Warsaw launched a Call for Papers for its 2014 International Scientific Conference titled “Guilt and punishment. Societies...

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Le Potenze dell’Asse e l’Unione Sovietica 1939-1945

Le Potenze dell’Asse e l’Unione Sovietica 1939-1945

Eugenio Di Rienzo, Emilio Gin Le Potenze dell’Asse e l’Unione Sovietica 1939-1945 Secondo una consolidata tradizione storiografica, il Trattato Molotov-Ribbentrop dell’agosto 1939 fu un provvisorio accomodamento attraverso il quale il Cremlino guadagnò il tempo sufficiente per prepararsi a sconfiggere il Moloch nazista. Gli autori di questo volume presentano un’interpretazione alternativa a questa vulgata. Fino all’autunno...

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La mia testimonianza davanti al mondo

La mia testimonianza davanti al mondo

Jan Karski La mia testimonianza davanti al mondo «Racconti tutto ciò di cui ha fatto esperienza personale, tutto ciò che ha visto e udito. Riporti i fatti e lasci che chi ascolta possa trarre le sue conclusioni»: con questo viatico il premier del governo polacco in esilio mandò Jan Karski a informare i grandi della terra di quello che accadeva agli ebrei nel suo Paese, e di come i polacchi non avessero mai smesso di lottare. Il...

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Romanian and European Diplomacy

Romanian and European Diplomacy

edited by Gh. Cliveti, Adrian-Bogdan Ceobanu, Adrian Viţalaru, Ionuţ Nistor Romanian and European Diplomacy From Cabinet Diplomacy to the 21st Century Challenges Studies and making of diplomacy. A Methodological and Historiographical Approach GHEORGHE CLIVETI Historical Study of International Relations: Concepts, Methodologies SILVIU MILOIU Diplomatic History/History of Diplomacy versus History of International Relations? A...

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