The CERCEC (EHESS/CNRS), the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Tübingen are pleased to invite you to the 7th French German Workshop in Soviet History, that will take place on the 28th and 29th of June, in Paris.
The French German Workshops in Soviet History have been a forum for the discussion of the newest current research in France and Germany for the past twenty-five years.
This 7th edition is dedicated to Gabor Rittersporn, who launched the series and organized it for many years, as one of the visible signs of his investment in fostering a lively French-German dialogue in the field.
His legacy is one of skepticism and generosity, of international collaborations and friendships in all languages, of deep knowledge coupled with faith in the power of the individual, even if marginalized, to defy and subvert the state in its many instances. The first afternoon of our workshop will thus discuss current research on Soviet cultures and social groups.
On Friday, graduate students and post-docs at various stages of their academic career will present their works. They will discuss innovative approaches and new directions in the explorations of Russian and Soviet cultural, political, physical landscapes. With a strong focus on environmental history and bottom-up processes, they offer new perspectives on the ways that Soviet institutions have tried to remake Russia’s people, arts and territory, and how the complex interactions between human and natural factors have shaped specific Soviet ecologies.
The 7th French German Workshop in Soviet History has been made possible by a grant of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, in Cologne.
28th JULY at 2PM
EHESS, SALLES 7-8 / 105 Blvd. Raspail, 75006 PARIS
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29th JULY at 9:30AM
EHESS, SALLES 7-8 / 105 Blvd. Raspail, 75006 PARIS
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