Wednesday 8 May 2019 from 10.00 to 13.00
Palazzo Greppi, Sala Napoleonica
Via S. Antonio 12, Milano
Welcome: Prof. Antonella Baldi
Deputy Rector for Internationalization, University of Milan
H.E. Solvita Āboltiņa
Ambassador of Latvia to Italy
Speakers: Prof. Giulia Lami, University of Milan
Prof. Ēriks Jēkabsons, University of Latvia
Prof. Alessandro Vitale, University of Milan
Dr. Rosario Napolitano, University of Latvia, Rīga
PhD student Aiga Bērziņa, National Archives of Latvia
Working language: English
During the seminar presentation of the exhibitions
“Latvia and Italy: 100 years of friendship” and
“The role of Italy in the recognition of Latvia and the bilateral relations between Latvia and Italy during the interwar period”