Workshop for Hungarian and Polish Medievalists (PhD students or younger Post-Docs)
Pécs, Hungary
Period: October 1-2, 2015
Deadline for submitting abstracts: June 30, 2015
The Történészcéh Egyesület, (Association of Students of History in Pécs), Institute of History, Department of Medieval and Early Modern History of the University of Pécs and the Department of Medieval History of the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, sponsored by the Embassy of Poland in Budapest organize a workshop and seminary for young academic scholars of medieval history (PhD students or younger Post-Docs), researching on subjects concerning Hungarian and Polish relationship in the Middle Ages. First of all are expected Polish and Hungarian historians, but applications of scholars coming from other countries, dealing with Polish-Hungarian relationship in the Middle Ages or working on subjects affecting Hungarian or Polish medieval history in a wider, East-Central-European context, are also welcome.
The workshop will be held in Pécs/Hungary on the 01-02th October 2015. The two day planned workshop gives opportunity for younger scholars to present their research subjects, doctoral thesis and to become familiar with medievalists from both Hungary and Poland.
Eligible topics for the conference
Papers and presentations are expected on subjects like: questions of state building in the Middle Ages in Hungary and Poland, problematics of written sources regarding Polish and Hungarian history, medieval political or cultural events, persons, which/who own a privileged place in Polish and Hungarian (common) remembrance.
Guidelines for submission
Papers and presentation are expected in English, which is also the working language of the workshop. The organizers cover accommodation and catering during the workshop. The workshop materials are intended to be printed.
Deadline for applications is 30th of June 2015. Applications are to be submitted to Prof. Daniel Bagi, University of Pécs, Institute of History, Department of Medieval and Early Modern History at
University of Pécs, Institute of History, Department of Medieval and Early Modern History
Information & contacts
Daniel Bagi
Rókus u. 2, H-7624 Pécs
tel.: +3672-501-572