deadline 31st March 2023
The Journal of Romanian Studies is currently seeking a new Co-editor, to replace Svetlana Suveica, beginning in July 2023. The Co-editor will work with Jill Massino (Co-editor), Iuliu Raţiu (Book Review Editor) and Iemima Ploscariu (Editorial Assistant).
This biannual peer-reviewed journal published by the Society for Romanian Studies in collaboration with Liverpool University Press examines critical issues in Romanian Studies broadly conceived, linking work in that field to wider theoretical debates and issues of current relevance, and serving as a forum for both junior and senior scholars.
The journal considers original manuscripts that draw on various theoretical, conceptual and methodological perspectives as understood in disciplines ranging from history, political science, philosophy, law and justice studies, anthropology, sociology, ethnography, and education to literature, linguistics, economics, business, religion, gender, film and media studies, art history, and music. It considers theoretically informed manuscripts that examine political, socioeconomic and cultural developments in Romania and Moldova, the situation of their ethnic minorities and their relations with the ethnic majority, as well as the position, culture, and history of Romanians and Moldovans living outside the shifting boundaries of those countries.
The journal also welcomes articles that connect Romania and Moldova comparatively with other states and their ethnic majorities and minorities, as well as with other groups by investigating the challenges of migration and globalization, changes and opportunities in international relations, and the impact of the European Union. Both articles with a historical focus and studies dealing with contemporary events will be considered.
Coeditors serve three-year, renewable terms and are responsible for:
- Directing the editorial content and policy of the journal;
- Liaising with LUP on production and all other publishing matters;
- Soliciting articles, book reviews, translations, and special issues;
- Reviewing article-length manuscripts to determine if a piece should be sent out to complete the double-blind peer-review process.
- Quality assurance in the final proofs for publication.
The editors are not compensated for their effort. Guest editors have been used for special issues and this practice will continue as opportunities and needs present themselves.
If you would like to be considered for either of these positions, please send a current curriculum vitae and a letter of intention by Friday 31st March 2023 to the President of the Society of Romanian Studies, James Kapaló ( and Secretary of the Society for Romanian Studies, Dana Trif (