Call for Papers for the 16th Aleksanteri Conference:
Life and Death in Russia
The deadline for proposals is 15 May 2016.
Russia’s transition to a market economy resulted in an exceptionally dramatic social crisis: increases in poverty, inequality and mortality. Since the collapse of communism, Russian welfare structures have undergone constant reform and the state’s social responsibilities have shifted back and forth among various governmental levels. After the post-Soviet liberalisation of the welfare state, the Putin administration has increasingly emphasised welfare questions. However, the overall picture does not look as promising as one would assume after such substantial attention and economic growth in the first decade of the 2000s.
This year’s Aleksanteri Conference, Life and Death in Russia, focuses on various dimensions of Russian welfare and social policy. The conference will take place in Helsinki on 26-28 October 2016.
The conference committee suggests the following sub-themes for consideration:
• Russian welfare regime: welfare state and its design
• Areas of social policy: health care, education, pensions, social security and housing
• Demography: fertility, mortality and migration
• Patterns of social inequality
• Family and gender
• Labour market, industrial relations, trade unions and employers/industry organisations
• Policy-making process in the social sphere: actors, ideas and institutions
• Role of civil society: NGOs and interest groups
• Economic resources and welfare
Keynote speakers at the conference will be Professor Linda Cook (Brown University, USA), Professor Chunling Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Professor Thomas Remington (Emory University, USA), Dr. Svetlana Stephenson (London Metropolitan University, UK), Professor Göran Therborn (Cambridge University, UK), and Professor Nataliya Zubarevich (Moscow State University, Russia).
We welcome panel proposals with three presentations, discussant and chair, but will also accept individual paper proposals. Detailed instructions and links to electronic submission forms are available at The deadline for proposals is 15 May 2016. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed.