Official History in Eastern Europe. Transregional Perspectives

13–14 June 2018

German Historical Institute Warsaw
International Conference
organised by German Historical Institute Warsaw, University of Geneva
Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin
In cooperation with German Embassy Warsaw, Swiss Embassy Warsaw,
German-Ukrainian Historical Commission
Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation

Our conference strives to re-think and enlarge the scope of ‘memory studies’, and to propose new insights into transregional research on Eastern Europe and its post-communist transformations. We would like to look at the various spheres of official history – school textbooks, museums, state institutions of historical policies, memorials – from both comparative and historical perspectives. Our conference will not just focus on the description of the current situation, but will tend to trace recent tendencies back into Soviet and partly pre-Soviet experiences and to analyze closely the dynamics of post-Soviet commemorative practices and perceptions.

Author: Aisseco

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