October 11-12, 2018,
Convenor: Claudia-Florentina Dobre (Nicolae Iorga History Institute/Centre for Memory and Identity Studies‒CSMI)
Scientific Committee: Ovidiu Cristea, Liliana Deyanova, Keith Hitchins, Karl Kaser, Sergiu Musteață, Maria Pakucs, Kristina Popova, Izabela Skórzyńska, Cristian Vasile
Organising Committee: Claudia-Florentina Dobre, Dominik Gutmeyr, Adrian Stoicescu
Keynote speakers: Stefan Dorondel, Victor Rizescu
Conference Program
October 11, 2018
9.00-9.30: Registration
9.30-10.00: Opening Address
10.00-11.00: Keynote Speaker
Ștefan Dorondel, ‘Modernization’ of
Nature and State Building in Southeast
Panel 1: 11.00-13.00
National Identity and Minorities in South-Eastern Europe
Marek Figura, Anna Kuleszewicz, The Belarusian People’s Republic and its role in shaping the contemporary Belarusian national identity
Alexander Nikolov, “Who is Bulgarian?: “Ethnic” vs. “Civic” and the specific case of the Pomaks and the Gagauz in Bulgaria
Alla Kondrasheva, Stavros Parastatov, The Greeks of Tsalka: culture, language and the problems of preserving the identity
Gumenâi Ion, The revival of the national identity of Armenians from Bessarabia in the context of the Romanian national project
Lunch: 13.00-14.00
Panel 2: 14.00-16.00
Minorities and Trans-National Identities in the Black Sea Region
Yana Volkova, Extraterritorial citizenship as a state-led reterritorialization project: the Romanian case
Giorgos Antoniou, Sephardic, European, Ottoman, and Greek: Assimilation, Education and Salonica Jews (1915-1943)
Wenjing Guo, Families from East Europe in Paris: Homeless or seasonal workers in mobility
Claudia Mayr-Veselinovic, European Identity in a Nutshell? Vojvodina and the historical Banat
Liviu Mihail Iancu, Equivocal ancient foreigners and building modern identities: Conceptual approaches of the 20th century Romanian archaeologists to the Greek colonists of Histria in the Black Sea
Panel 3: 16.00-19.00
Identities in the Communist and Post-communist Times
Cristofer Scarboro, Bit, Kultura and the Ambivalences of Consumer Desire in Late Socialist Bulgaria
Mioara Anton, Identity dilemmas in socialist Romania. Young generation between ideological standards and Western temptation
Jakub Wojtkowiak, The Contractual Identity of the Red Army Officers from Central and Eastern Europe During the Time of the “Great Purge” in the USSR
Francesco Zavatti, Filtering and adapting foreign cultural influences in Ceausescu’s Romania
Nicoleta Șerban, The plan of Rural Systematisation and the Hungarians
Dinner: 19.30
October 12, 2018
10.00-11.00: Keynote Speaker
Victor Rizescu, Refashioning the
nation along vertical fault-lines:
Romanian entanglements of
corporatist projects and policies
Panel 4: 11.00-13.00
Ethnic and Gender Identity Emilia Zankina, Women representation and identities in Southeastern Europe
Izabela Skórzyńska, Microherstory as the Construction of the Intergenerational Identities of Women Living During the Communist Period.
Petar Vodenicharov, Anastasiya Pashova, Bulgarian Muslim female identities against the atheistic totalitarian state
Mirosław Szumiło, An Ethnic Group or a Nation? Problems of national identity of the Lemkos in Poland
Lunch: 13.00-14.00
Panel 5: 14.00-16.00
Minorities and Symbolic Identities
Saharneanu Eudochia, Sorin Scutelnic, New tendency toward identity’s reconfiguration between interculturalism and transculturalism
Alla Paptova, Identity and Image of the Past: the Interrelation and Tendencies of Evolution
Bernadette Jonda, The Sorbs – Germans national minority between extinction and rebirth
Ekaterina V. Klimenko, From National Identity to State Legitimacy: Remembering the Revolution in Contemporary Russia
Panel 6: 16.00-18.00
Visual and Literary Representations of Identities
Marta Cobel-Tokarska, Literary description of Central Europe in the era of transformation and post-transformation: between familiarity and foreignness.
Dominik Gutmeyr, The Visualization of linguistic identity. The Case of the Georgian Alphabet.
Adrian Stoicescu, ‘Arrested’ otherness – identity building in the Romanian censored movies
Emilia Cernăianu, Nostalgia for the oriental elements. The role of visual art in making of the national identity.
Panel 7: 18.00-19.00
Migrations and Identities
Cojocaru Violeta, The concept of transnationalism and migratory processes
Sergiu Musteață, The Republic of Moldova: Migration vs. Immigration
Tarna Dina, Multiplicity and transformations of personal identity in modernity