The Holocaust in the Romanian Borderlands

The Holocaust in the Romanian Borderlands

Mihai I Poliec The Holocaust in the Romanian Borderlands. The Arc of Civilian Complicity (Routledge, 2019). Description This volume examines the changing role which ordinary members of society played in the state-sponsored persecution of the Jews in Bukovina and Bessarabia, both during the summer of 1941, when Romania joined the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, and beyond. It establishes different patterns of civilian complicity and...

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A Contested Borderland

A Contested Borderland

Andrei Cusco A Contested Borderland Competing Russian and Romanian Visions of Bessarabia in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Bessarabia―mostly occupied by modern-day republic of Moldova―was the only territory representing an object of rivalry and symbolic competition between the Russian Empire and a fully crystallized nation-state: the Kingdom of Romania. This book is an intellectual prehistory of the Bessarabian...

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CFP: Archives, history and politics in Romania during the XIX-XXI centuries

CFP: Archives, history and politics in Romania during the XIX-XXI centuries

 Archives, history and politics in Romania during the XIX-XXI centuries September, 21st -22nd, 2012, Bucharest The dead line for receipt of abstracts: 10th of June, 2012. On 21st -22nd of September, 2012, the National Archives of Romania will organize a Conference dedicated to the relationship between archives, history and politics in Romania during the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In the first half of the...

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Basarabia -1812. O problemă naţională în context internaţional

Basarabia -1812. O problemă naţională în context internaţional

Conferinţa „Basarabia – 1812. Problemă naţională, implicaţii internaţionale” va avea loc între 14-16 mai 2012, deschiderea ei producându-se la Chişinău, iar încheierea lucrărilor la Iaşi. La Conferinţă sunt invitaţi oameni de ştiinţă cu renume în istoriografia contemporană, specialişti calificaţi în domeniul dreptului naţional şi internaţional din Republica Moldova, România, Rusia, Turcia, Franţa, Germania, Austria, Marea...

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Un’infanzia in Bessarabia

Un’infanzia in Bessarabia Incontro con Roberto Keller e Davide Zaffi Introduce Fernando Orlandi In occasione della pubblicazione di Nel sonno non siamo profughi di Paul Goma (Keller) Trento, mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010, Sala degli Affreschi Biblioteca Comunale, Via Roma 55, ore...

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