Les terres de l’orthodoxie au XVIIe siècle 1590-1720
La rédaction des Cahiers du Monde russe est heureuse de vous annoncer la parution du 58/3 (juillet-septembre 2017) Les terres de l’orthodoxie au XVIIe siècle 1590-1720 coédité par Paul Bushkovitch, Nikolaos Chrissidis et Radu Păun Sommaire : Avant-propos de Paul BUSHKOVITCH, Nikolaos A. CHRISSIDIS et Radu G. PĂUN Dynamiques des structures ecclésiastiques Laurent TATARENKO, L’encadrement paroissial dans la métropolie de...
CfP: Communications and media in the USSR and Eastern Europe
Cahiers du Monde russe Communications and media in the USSR and Eastern Europe Technologies, politics, cultures, social practices Titles and abstracts submission deadline: 31 March 2013. In the social sciences, communications are considered fundamental to the constitution of any society. The technologies and infrastructures for communications are also social institutions in their own right, with their own specific historical...
Histoire de la protection sociale en Union soviétique (1917‑1939)
Segnaliamo la recensione a cura di Susan Solomon pubblicata in Cahiers du monde russe, 52/4 | 2011 del libro Histoire de la protection sociale en Union soviétique (1917‑1939) di Dorena Caroli “Dorena Caroli has written a rich study of Soviet “social protection” in the first two decades of the fledgling Soviet regime.1 A historical treatment of this long‑neglected subject is particularly timely today, as Russian policy‑makers...