In questi giorni molte sono le iniziative, da importanti convegni di studio a dibattiti pubblici, che rievocano e discutono gli eventi del 1917 in Russia. Quella vicenda si è sostanzialmente conclusa tra il 1989 e il 1991, prima con le tavole rotonde e poi le libere elezioni in Europa centro-orientale che hanno consacrato il cambio di regime, di un regime imposto con la forza delle armi, poi con la stessa implosione dell’Unione...
Russian Statehood
Russian Statehood: The Authorities and Society during the Twentieth Century International Research Conference in Russia St. Petersburg (Russia), May 30-31, 2013 Program This international research conference builds off of the Faculty’s prior success hosting an international conference in October 2010 dedicated to the study of late Stalinism and the epoch of N.S. Khrushchev and it hopes to continue its scientific dialogue with...
CfP: Religion, Law and Policy Making
Religion, Law and Policy Making: European Norms and National Practices in Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation Conference venue: Tartu, Estonia Period: June 13-14, 2013 Deadline for submitting full papers: Feb. 11, 2013 The complex interplay among European and national law, and law, policy and religion at the levels of nationand European Union is approached from jurisprudential, religious, sociological, cultural, historical, and...