The Holocaust in the Borderlands: Interethnic Relations and the Dynamics of Violence in Occupied Eastern Europe

Munich, 7-9 February 2018


Wednesday, 7 February 2018

17.00-18.00: Registration (Senatssaal LMU)

18.00-20.30: Opening Lecture (Senatssaal LMU) followed by wine reception

Doris Bergen (Chancellor Rose and Ray Wolfe Professor of Holocaust Studies, University of Toronto): Saving Christianity, Killing Jews: German Religious Campaigns and the Holocaust in the Borderlands

Greetings, introduction and moderation: Frank Bajohr (Munich), Gaëlle Fisher (Munich), Caroline Mezger (Munich) and Kim Wünschmann (Munich).
Thursday, 8 February 2018
9.00-9.30: Welcome & Introduction

Gaëlle Fisher and Caroline Mezger: The Holocaust in the Borderlands: Introductory Remarks

9.30-11.00: I – Contexts of Social Division in Multiethnic Societies

Chair: Kim Wünschmann (Munich)

How did pre-existing social divisions in multiethnic societies influence later dynamics of violence under occupation?

Grzegorz Krzywiec (Warsaw): ‘Borderlands’ (Kresy) as a Laboratory for Space without the Others? Eastern Europe, Multi-Ethnic Realm and ‘National Revolution’ from below and above at the Eve of WWII. The Case Study of Lubelszczyzna
Anca Filipovici (Cluj-Napoca): Interethnic Clashes among Students at the University of Chernovtsy (1930-1940). Daily Life, Propaganda and the Rise of Anti-Semitism in the Multiethnic Borderland of Bukovina
Leon Saltiel (Thessaloniki): The Legacy of the Millet as a Factor in the “Silence” of the Thessaloniki Christian Elites during the Holocaust
11.00-11.30: Coffee break
11.30-13.00: II – National Agendas and Regimes of Occupation

Chair: Caroline Mezger (Munich)

How did the different national and imperial agendas of the Axis powers manifest themselves in regimes of occupation? How did these interact and how do they compare?

Tommaso Dell’Era (Viterbo): Italian Imperialism, Albanian Nationalism and the Holocaust during the Occupation Period (1939-1943)
Mirna Zaki
(Athens, Ohio): ‘The soil which drank German blood will become our living space’: Ethnic Germans, Jews, and Serbs in the Occupied Banat
Mariana Hausleitner (Berlin): The Germans in the Bukovina and the Romanian Banat after 1935

13.00-14.30: Lunch break
14.30-15.30: III – Engineering Social Differences: Ideology and Radicalization

Chair: Kerstin Schwenke (Munich)

How do regimes of occupation reorient or exacerbate social divisions in multiethnic societies? What are the relationships between ideology, radicalization, and practices of occupation?

Winson Chu (Milwaukee, Wisconsin): “… Reich Germans believe in the German Reich, the Volk Germans believe in the German Volk”: Violence and Intraethnic Hierarchies in the Kriminalpolizei in Lodz/Litzmannstadt
Goran Miljan (Uppsala): The ‘Ideal Nation-State’ for the ‘Ideal New Croat’ – Fascism and the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia, 1941-1945

15.30-16.00: Coffee break
16.00-18.00: IV – Dynamics of Violence and Mobilization

Chair: Christian Schmittwilken (Munich)

Why or why not do people engage in violence? How are societies mobilized?

Jason Tingler (Worcester, Massachusetts): Mosaic of Destruction. The Holocaust and Mass Violence in Chełm, 1939-1944
Nevena Dakovic (Belgrade): Ujvidek Raid: Holocaust and Interethnic Violence
Kateryna Budz (Kyiv): The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Holocaust in Galicia (1941-1944)
Linda Margittai (Szeged): Hungarian-Occupied Vojvodina: The Anatomy of “Bystander” Behaviors in a Multi-Ethnic Society

Friday, 9 February 2018
9.30-11.00: V – Local Practices and Perceptions of Anti-Jewish Persecution

Chair: Gaëlle Fisher (Munich)

What were the practices and perceptions of anti-Jewish persecution in specific localities, and how can we study them?

Sarah Rosen (Jerusalem): Northern Transnistria: Ukrainians, Jews, Romanians and Nazi Occupiers as Reflected in the Diary of Lipman Kunstadt
Svetlana Suveica (Regensburg): Dealing with Jewish Property in the Borderlands. Local Public Institutions in Bessarabia during the Holocaust
Anna Wylegała (Warsaw): Listening to the Contradicting Voices: Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian Narratives on the Holocaust in Galician Shtetls

11.00-11.30: Coffee break
11.30-13.00: VI – Reckoning with the Holocaust in the Immediate Postwar Period

Chair: Andrea Löw (Munich)

How did different groups and postwar societies confront the legacies of the Holocaust in the immediate postwar period? How much visibility did different groups have and what was their narrative?

Volha Bartash (Vienna): “The war ended in 1950”: German Occupation and Interethnic Relations in the Belarusian-Lithuanian Border Region through the Eyes of the Local Roma Community
Franziska Exeler (Berlin/Cambridge): Personal Responses to the Aftermath of Nazi Occupation in Post-1944 Soviet Belorussia
Olha Kolesnyk (Warsaw): Jewish Perception of Soviet Occupation in Lviv in 1939-1941 (Based on Ego-Documents)

13.00-14.30: Lunch break
14.30-15.45: VII – Conveying Catastrophe in Language and Art

Chair: Anna Ullrich (Munich)

How did people communicate about violence in the postwar period, and to which effect?

Miriam Schulz (New York): Of Ablaves, Uksinikes, and Negers. The Yiddish Language as a Mirror Image of Interethnic Relations and Violence in the Borderlands
Irina Rebrova (Berlin): „German monsters escaped, but there is the entire Hitler system on the dock“: Literary Representation of the Soviet Trials against Nazi Perpetrators in the (Post)War Society (the North Caucasian Case)
15.45-16.15: Coffee break
16.15-17.00: Closing Discussion

Moderation: Gaëlle Fisher and Caroline Mezger

Author: Aisseco

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