Belgrade, 7–8 December
The Conference will take place in the Room “Beogradska panorama”,
Hotel Palace, 6th flor, 23 Topličin venac, Belgrade
Organizing Committee
Alexandre Kostov, President of the AIESEE
Razvan Teodorescu, Secretary-General of the AIESEE
Konstanti Nikiforov, Director of the Instiute for Slavic Studies, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Francesco Guida, Dean of the Faculty of Politial Studies, University of Rome III
Vojislav Pavlović, Director of the Instiute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy
of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade
Slobodan G. Marković, Professor, Faculty of Politial Sciences, University
of Belgrade
Dušan Fundić, Secretary, Instiute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy
of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade
Thursday, 7 December
Opening addresses
President of the AIESEE, Alexandre Kostov
Secretary-General of the AIESEE, Răzvan Theodorescu
Director of the Instiute for Balkan Studies SASA, Vojislav Pavlović
Discours d’ouverture
Président de l’AIESEE, Alexandre Kostov
Secrétaire générale de l’AIESSE, Răzvan Theodorescu
Directeur de l’Instiut des études balkaniques ASSA, Vojislav Pavlović
Great War: diplomati and military framework
Chairs: Francesco Guida and Alexandre Kostov
La Grande Guerre : le cadre diplomatiue et militaire
Sous la présidence de Francesco Guida et Alexandre Kostov
Yannis Mourelos, Le front d’Orient dans la Grande Guerre. Enjeux et
Vojislav Pavlović, The Breakthrough of the Enemy Line on the Salonika
Front and the End of the Great War
Stratos Dordanas, German Propaganda in the Balkans during World War I
Daniel Cain, Conflcts over Dobrudja during the Great War
Árpád Hornyák, Territorial Changes and Concessions as a Means of
Great Britain’s Balkan Policy in the First Years of World War I
D i s c u s s i o n
Slobodan G. Marković, Britih Public and Eleutherios Veniselos during
the Great War
Miljan Milkić, Serbian Army on Halkidiki in 1916. Organisatin and
Radoslav Raspopović, The Austro-Hungarian Occupatin System in
Montenegro and Internatinal Law (1916–1918)
Miloš Ković, The Britih Adriati Squadron and the Evacuatin of Serbs
from the Albanian Coast in 1916
Dušan Fundić, The Austro-Hungarian Occupatin of Serbia as a
“Civilizing Mission” (1915–1918)
Great War: Historiography and literature
Chairs: Yannis Mourelos and Elli Lemonidou
La Grande Guerre : l’historiographie et littrature
Sous la présidence de Yannis Mourelos et Elli Lemonidou
Iakovos Michailidis, A Ten Year’s War: Reassessing the Greek
historiography on the First World War
Nobuhiro Shiba, Professor Dušan Todorović and World War I: His
support actiitis to Serbia in Japan
Vladimir Iliescu, Les jeunes Turcs et leurs relatins avec la communauté
arménienne pendant la Première Guerre mondiale
Ionuț Adrian Pătularu, Les enseignants du comté Dolj et leur
partiipatin dans la Première Guerre mondiale
D i s c u s s i o n
Tatjana Krizman-Malev, Ivo Ćipiko et Mile Budak: deux écrivains
croates, deux diffrentes perceptins de la Grande Guerre et du
héroïsme du peuple serbe
Stevka Šmitran, Miloš Crnjanski, Soldier and Writer in the First World
War: History as an experience to be handed on
Dunja Dušanić, Du traumatime au roman. Mémoire et représentatin
de la Grande Guerre dans l’œuvre de Rastko Petrović (1898–1949)
Giovanni Belluscio, Emilia Conforti Echoes of Militarism and
Antiilitarism in Arbëresh Popular Poetry in the First Half of the
20th Century
Friday, 8 December
Great War: Natinal issues
Chairs: Răzvan Theodorescu and Slobodan G. Marković
Grande Guerre : les questins natinales
Sous la présidence de Răzvan Theodorescu et Slobodan G. Marković
Răzvan Theodorescu, What Exactly the Post-war Romanian
Natinalism Meant?
Victor Neumann, Fluid Identiis in South-East Europe Before and Aftr
the Great War
Daisuke Nagashima, Bosnian Muslims’ Arguments over (In)Compatiility
of Islamic and Natinal Identiis: Late Austro-Hungarian and royalist
Yugoslav ties
Beqir Meta, The Albanian Politial Identiy Through and at the End of
World War I
Mirella Korzeniewska-Wiszniewska, Les partenaires politiues de la
Serbie pendant la Première Guerre mondiale et aujourd’hui
– similitudes et les diffrences
D i s c u s s i o n
Aret Demosthenous, Christin Refugees from Parla Village (Isparta)
and Their Intercultural Contributin to Modern Greece
Antonio D’Alessandri, Italian Volunteers in Serbia in 1914
Gordana Krivokapić-Jović, Le projet yougoslave de la France; ou sur
l’héritage intellectuelle de la Belle époque
Nicolae Razvan Mitu, The Making of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and
Slovenes and of United Romania
Dragan Bakić, The Great War and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia: The
legacy of an enduring conflct
Great War: Memory
Chairs: Vojislav Pavlović, Florin Turcanu
La mémoire de la Grande Guerre
Sous la présidence de Vojislav Pavlović, Florin Turcanu
Elli Lemonidou, L’héritage et la mémoire de la Première Guerre
mondiale en Grèce de l’Entre-deux-guerres
Petra Svoljšak, The Shaping of the Slovenian Remembrance of the
Great War in a Hundred Years’ Time Span
Vlasis Vlasidis, The Serbian Heritage of the Great War in Greece:
Monuments, archives, narraties
Jolanta Sujecka, Memory of the Great War in the Perspectie of
Diffrent Protagonists. Writers from Bulgaria and from Macedonia
D i s c u s s i o n
Florin Turcanu, Turtucaia/Tutrakan 1916 : la postérité d’une défaite
dans la Roumanie de l’entre-deux-guerres
Ersin Embel, Politis of Remembering the First World War in
Contemporary Turkey
Nicolas Pitsos, Ilots de mémoire dans un archipel d’oubli : la mémoire
de la Grande Guerre en Grèce, un siècle après
Miloš M. Damjanović, Milica Jakšić – Organizer of Serbian War
Volunteers from the USA in the First World War
List of participants
Dragan Bakić, Instiute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and
Arts, Belgrade
Giovanni Belluscio, University of Calabria, Cosenza
Antonio D’Alessandri, University of Rome III
Daniel Cain, Instiute for Southeast European Studies, Bucharest
Emilia Conforti University of Calabria, Cosenza
Miloš M. Damjanović, University of Prištia, Kosovska Mitrovica
Aret Demosthenous, Instiute of Historical Research for Peace, Nicosia
Stratos Dordanas, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki
Dunja Dušanić, University of Belgrade
Ersin Embel, Ankara University
Dušan Fundić, Instiute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences
and Arts, Belgrade
Francesco Guida, University of Rome III
Árpád Hornyák, University of Pécs
Vladimir Iliescu, University of Craiova
Mirella Korzeniewska-Wiszniewska, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
Alexandre Kostov, Instiute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology,
Miloš Ković, University of Belgrade
Gordana Krivokapić-Jović, Instiute for the Recent History of Serbia,
Tatjana Krizman-Malev, Regional Instiute for History of the Liberatin
movement of Friuli Venezia Guilia, Trieste
Elli Lemonidou, University of Patras
Slobodan G. Marković, University of Belgrade
Beqir Meta, Academy of Sciences of Albania, Tirana
Iakovos Michailidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Miljan Milkić, Strategic Research Instiute, Belgrade
Nicolae Răzvan Mitu, University of Craiova
Yannis Mourelos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Daisuke Nagashima, University of Tokyo
Victor Neumann, West University of Timişoara
Ionuț Adrian Pătularu, Natinal Pedagogical College Ştefan Velovan, Craiova
Vojislav Pavlović, Instiute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences
and Arts, Belgrade
Nicolas Pitsos, ICES, INALCO, Paris
Radoslav Raspopović, Instiute for History, Podgorica
Nobuhiro Shiba, University of Tokyo
Stevka Šmitran, University of Teramo
Jolanta Sujecka, University of Warsaw
Petra Svoljšak, Milko Kos Historical Instiute and University of Nova Gorica
Răzvan Theodorescu, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Florin Turcanu, University of Bucharest
Vlasis Vlasidis, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki