V edizione del Balkan Film Festival – Occasione di incontro, riflessione e promozione della cultura balcanica e del partenariato con l’Italia

V edizione del Balkan Film Festival – Occasione di incontro, riflessione e promozione della cultura balcanica e del partenariato con l’Italia

Dopo i precedenti quattro festival di cinema balcanico presentati alla Casa del Cinema dall’Associazione Occhio Blu negli anni 2012, 2019, 2020 e 2021, l’edizione 2022 del Balkan Film Festival si consolida come occasione organica di riflessione sulla società balcanica, di incontro tra le cinematografie della regione e quella italiana, di stimolazione e promozione delle coproduzioni, fino all’auspicata creazione di un partenariato...

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8 – 11 ottobre 2020 Il “Balkan Film Festival”, che si svolgerà alla Casa del Cinema a Roma tra l’8 e l’11 ottobre, si pone come obbiettivo quello di avvicinare il pubblico italiano al sorprendente patrimonio cinematografico balcanico, tra i più vari d’Europa. Il Festival vuol promuovere altresì l’attiva adesione dei Centri di Cinematografia di Albania, Bulgaria, Croazia, Grecia, Macedonia del Nord, Montenegro, Slovenia, alle proposte...

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CfP: “Towards a New Typology of Paramilitarism: Balkan and Global Perspectives in Retrospect”

CfP: “Towards a New Typology of Paramilitarism: Balkan and Global Perspectives in Retrospect”

The study of paramilitarism has advanced rapidly since Robert Gerwarth’s collaborative research project, to the extent that this branch of studies might almost be considered an independent scholarly discipline. The nation state, regional and comparative analyses, as well as particular case studies conducted so far provide a solid ground for the further conceptual considerations and strengthening of the analytical and interpretative...

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CfP: “Old and New Insights on the History of Intelligence and Diplomacy in the Balkans”

CfP: “Old and New Insights on the History of Intelligence and Diplomacy in the Balkans”

The Balkans always were and continue to be the struggle area of the Great Powers on the diplomatic and intelligence field/level. Thus, they have played a prominent role in European intelligence and diplomatic activities over the past centuries, numerous intelligence organizations being present in them, openly or covertly. At the same time, practitioners and historians agree that intelligence cooperation there – often referred to as...

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CfP: Balkan Perceptions of War and Revolution (1789-1918)

CfP: Balkan Perceptions of War and Revolution (1789-1918)

Balkan Worlds II: Balkan Perceptions of War and Revolution (1789-1918) Thessaloniki, Greece November 27-30, 2014 Deadline for submitting abstracts: July 31, 2014 Deadline for submitting full papers: October 31, 2014 The “Long nineteenth century” ended with the First World War and the War ended with a Revolution, in an exact reversal of the way this age opened. In 1789, a Revolution prompted a massive realignment of...

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