Assalto all’Accademia

Assalto all’Accademia

di Matteo Tacconi Quando il governo ungherese, nel 2017, lanciò la propria campagna contro la Central European University (Ceu), l’ateneo fondato da George Soros a Budapest nel 1991, per costringerlo a lasciare la capitale, cosa riuscita (la Ceu si sta trasferendo a Vienna), Stefano Bottoni non credeva che anche il suo istituto, l’Accademia delle Scienze, sarebbe stato minacciato dal “revisionismo accademico” di Viktor Orbán. «Sarò...

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Alternatives to Democracy in Twentieth-Century Europe

Alternatives to Democracy in Twentieth-Century Europe

Sabrina Ramet Alternatives to Democracy in Twentieth-Century Europe: Collectivist Visions of Modernity, examines the historical examples of Soviet Communism, Italian Fascism, German Nazism, and Spanish Anarchism, suggesting that, in spite of their differences, they had some key features in common, in particular their shared hostility to individualism, representative government, laissez faire capitalism, and the decadence they...

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Fateful Years 1938–1945

Fateful Years 1938–1945

Vilmos Nagybaczoni Nagy Fateful Years 1938–1945 (Saint Helena, CA: Helena History Press, 2018). ISBN:  978-1-943596-08-9 cloth $50.00 / €42.00 / £37.00 Little known outside of Hungary, Vilmos Nagybaczoni Nagy (30 May 1884–21 June 1976) was the first Hungarian to be named “Righteous Among The Nations” by Yad Vashem. In September 1942, the Hungarian Regent, Miklós Horthy, asked General Nagy to return from retirement and accept the...

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July 1944. Deportation of the Jews of Budapest Foiled

July 1944. Deportation of the Jews of Budapest Foiled

Géza Jeszenszky July 1944. Deportation of the Jews of Budapest Foiled (Saint Helena, CA:  Helena History Press, 2018). ISBN: 978-1-943596-06-5 cloth $50.00 / €42.00 / £37.00 With the Nazi occupation of Hungary on 19 March 1944, the deportation of 800,000 Hungarian Jews to the German-run concentration camps commenced. By the end of June, with the supervision of Eichmann, the authorities of the puppet government of Hungary transported...

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Ungheria 1956 Le verità rivelate

Ungheria 1956 Le verità rivelate

Martedì 6 novembre 2018, alle ore 17.00, presso la Biblioteca di storia moderna e contemporanea (Palazzo Mattei di Giove – Via Michelangelo Caetani 32, Roma), sarà presentato il volume Ungheria 1956. Le verità rivelate, di Giuseppe Averardi, Minerva, 2018. Intervengono: Roberto Cipriani, Luciano Pellicani, Luigi Fenizi. Coordina: Fabrizio Federici. Sarà presente l’autore. Questo libro è il bilancio di un secolo, il Novecento, e...

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